About Me


I'm Rajneesh Verma working as an Solutions Architect at Orion Innovation. I have Knowledge of Computer Hardware/Software. Started my career in System Hardware & later moved to Software Development, Past 16+ years I am Developer by heart. I love to work with Microsoft .NET Technologies specially .NET, AKS, ASP.NET and MVC, AZURE & AI.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: (MCSA) Cloud Platform, MCSD - App Builder & MCSA - Web Applications

I am also Actively participating in Technical Forums some of them are:

But Mostly I am participating in ASP.NET Forum and I got Microsoft Community Contributor Award for the year 2011 and currently, I ranked at All-Star Level with 28897+ Points.

If you have any query you can touch with me I will try as much as I can. You can connect with me using below listed mail/chat id's:

Thank you!!!